Stanford Offers New Grants And Online AI Program To Increase Healthcare Access

The Stanford Center for Health Education introduced a new program in its online educational lineup this semester. The online Artificial Intelligence program is geared towards computer scientists, and healthcare and technology professionals with the goal of improving patient care and health outcomes on a global scale via machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Stanford Medicine faculty will provide instruction, offered to learners around the world through Stanford Online, to shape the future of healthcare by fostering collaborations that bridge the gaps between medicine and technology.

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"In keeping with the mission of the Stanford Center for Health Education [SCHE] to expand knowledge and improve health on a global scale, we are excited to launch this online certificate program on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare," said the founding executive director of SCHE, Dr. Charles G. Prober. "This program features several of Stanford's leading thinkers in this emerging field — a discipline that will have a profound effect on human health and disease in the 21st century."

Stanford also recently announced the six recipients of the Hoffman-Yee Research Grant Program, a new program funded by philanthropists Reid Hoffman and Michelle Yee, to invest in AI projects that show promise in solving practical problems in healthcare and beyond. Each awardee will be provided with one full year of funding. Projects can potentially be extended for up to three years, and include a range of goals, from preparing students to enter a 21st century workforce, to filling the gaps in existing healthcare concepts.

AI systems that track mobility and vital signs, for instance, can help fill in the gaps that exist in underserved populations, such as the rural western U.S. With COVID-19 keeping more Americans behind closed doors and away from brick-and-mortar clinics, patients and providers must increasingly turn to AI to compensate for other shortcomings. Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West is dedicated to expanding and improving telehealth options for people with poor access to healthcare, through increasing broadband access to the rural West, and using AI to harness demographic data that can be used to create public health policy and inform regional improvements on access to and quality of care.