Form Bio and PacBio Collaborate to Standardize AAV Research

PacBio, a premier developer of high-quality sequencing solutions, and Form Bio, a provider of advanced computational life sciences technology, have jointly proposed new initiatives to advance the adeno-associated viruses (AAV) industry. The collaboration, driven by a newly formed AAV Working Group, seeks to unify the industry by developing standardized nomenclature and reporting practices. This initiative addresses the current challenges in AAV research, such as divergent terminology and methods across companies and institutions, which hinder collaboration and regulatory submissions. The AAV Working Group, composed of leading experts from both academia and industry, aims to promote consistency and reliability in AAV research and development.

The AAV Working Group has already produced several key resources, including a preprint publication on standardized nomenclature, an open-source workflow for long-read AAV analysis, an AAV data dictionary, and a regulatory case study. These resources are publicly available and aim to streamline development processes and collaboration across the AAV industry. Form Bio, known for its award-winning software and AI solutions, accelerates timelines from discovery to clinic, enhancing drug development efficiency. PacBio, a premier life science technology company, offers advanced sequencing solutions that resolve genetically complex problems. Together, Form Bio and PacBio are paving the way for more effective gene therapy solutions, ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.

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