Certara Unveils Phoenix Version 8.5 with Enhanced Features for Drug Development

Certara, a global leader in model-informed drug development, has announced the release of Phoenix version 8.5, the most recent iteration of its industry-standard pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) and toxicokinetic modeling software. Phoenix is widely regarded as the gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry, employing it by more than 75 of the top 100 pharmaceutical companies and 11 regulatory agencies, including the US FDA and Japan PMDA. The platform is essential for evaluating life-saving drug candidates and aims to expedite the drug development process, addressing the high failure rate of clinical trials, where 88% of new medicines do not make it to market.

Phoenix 8.5 introduces several customer-driven enhancements designed to improve the efficiency, quality, and speed of PK/PD workflows. Notable new features include Single Sign-On via Certara Cloud, enhanced reporting capabilities for data presentation and visualization, and updates to the NLME (Non-linear mixed effects) modeling software. These advancements, developed with feedback from Phoenix’s customer advisory board and user communities, are set to streamline the data workflow, enabling more precise modeling and more effective analysis and interpretation of research data. Certara continues to support its extensive client base of over 2,400 organizations across 66 countries by delivering solutions to accelerate drug discovery and development.

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