A Final Look At Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini’s Impact On Healthcare Technology

CVS Health plans to close the Aetna merger by Thanksgiving, and that means this could be the last month for Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini.

Bertolini plans to resign his post as CEO and join CVS Health’s board of directors after the merger. He’s been Aetna’s CEO since 2010, and under his leadership the company has pioneered some of most comprehensive technologies in the managed care sector.

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Teladoc is one of those technologies. The telemedicine company lets members access healthcare services online across a variety of devices, boosting patient access to clinicians and cutting costs. Using the technology, Aetna members can schedule online consultations with behavioral health specialists any day of the week, making it easier for patients to receive care. The program’s behavioral health network includes psychiatrists, psychologists and Masters level therapists.

The initiative also includes a dermatology program, where members can submit images and questions and receive feedback within two business days. Teladoc is available for all of Aetna’s self-funded customers and for fully-insured members across select states.

Aetna is also continuing to develop its digital tools to support mental health and well-being. MindCheck is an online tool that helps people understand how emotional health impacts overall well-being and is available for anyone with an internet connection. Another of Aetna’s digital tools, SleepRate is the first health application to monitor and assess sleep. It also provides action plans to help users achieve regular restful sleep.

When it comes to healthcare technology, it seems Aetna may have found a good partner in CVS Health.

CVS has been working in partnership with Teladoc and other industry leading telemedicine companies since 2015, and the company has developed several apps aimed at helping people live healthier lives. So while this may be Aetna’s the last month with Bertolini, we shouldn’t expect the company to stop innovating anytime soon.