Medical Information Technology, known more widely by its shortened form, Meditech, has been selling information systems to healthcare companies for 50 years. Its software and services facilities are based in Massachusetts and develop software modules for everything from scheduling and referral management to discharge and long-term care instructions for healthcare systems across the globe.
Recently, Meditech has partnered up with Wolters Kluwer, an American-Dutch information services company that serves a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, tax and accounting, finance, and workflow tools. Wolters Kluwer will help Meditech combine drug screening solutions with existing electronic health records (EHR) systems, to offer providers a more integrated view of their patients.
The partnership will combine Wolters Kluwer’s Medi-Span Clinical system, which runs existing patient data through a hospital’s EHR system to alert providers to pre-existing conditions or prescriptions that could be potentially dangerous in combination with other drugs. It also helps prevent allergic reactions due to drugs and can even red-flag certain drugs that a patient may be likely to abuse if prescribed.
Meditech’s services are in a quarter of the hospitals in the U.S., almost half of the hospitals in Canada, and various healthcare systems within 23 other countries. This partnership will enable underserved and developing communities to have access the same efficient, high-quality care at a much lower cost.
“Our partnership with Meditech is a commitment to measurably improving clinical effectiveness by helping healthcare providers across the region deliver optimal care to their patients,” said Christian Cella, Vice President of MediSpan Clinical, Wolters Kluwer Health.
Meditech has teamed up with several other organizations over the past couple of years. The company quickly developed guidance for interacting with patients who were potentially positive for COVID-19 early this year, and last year worked with Google to safely put EHR on an easily accessible platform on Google Cloud. Their rapidly expanding portfolio of patient-centric systems that are smartphone friendly and easy to navigate has helped overburdened healthcare systems navigate through 2020 with a little more ease. Now with Wolters Kluwer’s help, they can bring that efficiency to more healthcare facilities globally.