Widex Produces First AI Hearing Aids

Widex, one of the world’s leading hearing aid producers, is the first to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its hearing solutions. The company has over sixty years of experience developing enabling technology, and now offers customizable settings using an AI cloud-based system.

AI is already being used by consumers every day and will now transform product quality for those who need hearing aids. AI will allow hearing solutions to learn consumer preferences based on environment and level of sound.

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The AI cloud system allows for the collection of data inputs through connected hearing aids around the world. Widex SoundSense Learn offers customers A-B comparisons to understand preferences for those using compatible hearing aids. Widex SoundSense Learn manages low, mid, and high frequencies, offering thirteen different settings for each with a total of over two thousand setting possibilities. Over two million tests would be required to test each setting, however, machine learning and algorithms allow the hearing aids to observe preferences in volume and presets.

These setting possibilities result in customized listening abilities and can be stored in smartphones to be utilized throughout the day in different locations. Customers can change presets in different hearing environments, utilizing the vast settings and allowing for the best experience.

Studies show that hearing aid users prefer AI driven personalized settings, and that 80% would recommend it to others. Widex also offers products such as MOMENT and EVOKE that further use AI to enhance users’ digital lives.

Widex’s Head of Audiology, Lise Henningsen said, “By being the first to embrace AI, Widex benefits from years of continuous machine learning and hearing aid optimization that other hearing aid manufacturers have not yet developed. It is a key reason Widex is able to deliver its revolutionary natural sound.”

Widex has always offered their customers quality technology, and with the addition of AI to their products, they will remain top of the line. Through customizable and personal settings for different consumers based on data from different hearing environments, customers will be offered a quality hearing experience.