VA Draws $1 Billion Contract Opportunity For Telehealth Solutions

A $1 billion contract opportunity from The Department of Veterans Affairs meant to expand healthcare options for veterans is up for grabs in the remote monitoring and telehealth services sectors. The Veterans Healthcare Administration is looking to add digital health technologies, improve care quality, boost provider efficiency, and raise veterans’ satisfaction with care through the contract.

Candidates for the contract will be required to deliver on numerous line items, including platform hubs with cellular and POTS capability, devices such spirometers, pedometers, and digital blood glucose meter cables, and setup guides. Medical devices such as health and fitness trackers, as well as responsive weight scales, are considered optional add-ons. The winning contractor will additionally need to set up a customer support help desk and hotline for veterans and VA-sanctioned personnel.

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This contract, which has a two-year locked-in engagement period, comes with a minimum guarantee of $100,000 per contract and six noncompulsory one-year extensions. A $1.032 billion maximum value would be spread over four potential vendors. Proposals for the ‘Remote Patient Monitoring - Home Telehealth’ contract are due by October 12.

The DVA’s reliance on telehealth solutions has predated the COVID-19 pandemic. 2019 saw a 17% increase from the previous year in telehealth care delivery at 2.6 million episodes.