Felix and Julian Baker are the brains behind the prominent hedge fund operation Baker Brothers Investments. Worth over $15.1 billion, the fund focuses on biotech investments and includes holdings in Seattle Genetics, Incyte Corporation, Beigene Ltd and Alexion Pharmaceuticals. All they touch is gold and the 2014 Intermune deal that yielded a 400 percent return is just one such example
But that’s only the beginning for these brothers, both Bakers hold positions with a number of prominent bio-science businesses and advise several influential investment firms, trust companies, and pension plans on financial and portfolio management. In 2001, they started their own fund under Baker Brothers Advisors. With a modest $256 million being reported on a mid-2003 SEC filing, their investments have grown into a multibillion-dollar line-up of some of the most coveted companies in the industry. One of their most recent purchases was Principia Biopharma Inc., a company that creates innovative oral therapies for immunological and oncological conditions.
Julian Baker graduated with a B.A. in Social Studies from Harvard University in 1980. While his brother continued on with his education at Stanford University, Julian established himself in the private equity branch of Credit Suisse First Boston. During this time, he also became involved with Lawrence A. Tisch’s family and began managing their pharmaceutical and biotechnological investment portfolio. Julian holds a number of leadership positions within the biotech industry, including a director position with Tapestry Pharmaceuticals which developed a proprietary oncological treatment. He also sits as Lead Independent Director with InCyte Corporation, a company that created a break-through cancer treatment called Jakafi in 2011.
Felix Baker received a PhD in immunology from Stanford University. He also holds a B.S. in Biology and completed two years of medical school at his alma mater. Felix, along with his brother, sits on the board for Genomic Health and at agricultural bio company Synageva where he has been a director since 2000. He is a Co-Managing member of Baker-Tisch Advisors and is an employee with the Tisch fund. Both Julian and Felix are committed philanthropists. They provide financial resources and support to many organizations related to health, education, youth and Jewish causes.