SaaS-Based Cloud Solutions Reframe Healthcare IT Constraints

Adoption of cloud-based solutions has proven to be a game-changer for the healthcare industry, but a surprising number of hospitals and healthcare organizations are clinging to an outdated and often fragmented IT set up. Sticking with traditional legacy systems widens gaps in communication among treatment staff, and their subsequent interactions with patients or insurance companies can be further jumbled.

Harnessing the full potential of IT infrastructure remodels requires a level of aptitude from staff that is difficult to cultivate considering the already-taxing daily duties care professionals face. Bringing all modules and resources into an integrated, cloud-native platform via an appropriate SaaS-based solution could go a long way in resolving the issue. Dumping the provisional payment for services model and multi-solution approach to addressing various needs such as HIMs, LIMS, Pharmacy, EMR/EHR, and e-Claim will save time, money, and reduce staff headaches.

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Cloud technology has received a circumstantial boost in reputation of late, with successful adoptions cropping up in the healthcare sector throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Those instances add to the already promising numbers: globally, SaaS model adoption is surging 20% year-to-year, and the cloud computing market is poised to hit an impressive $52 billion by 2024.

The ceaseless honing of SaaS solutions by ambitious medtech providers is meant to broaden the reach of feasible adoption. The democratization of the cloud technology environment allows hospitals to enjoy this convenience without shelling out a huge up-front investment.