Roche Pinpoints Blood Glucose Measurement With Cobas Pulse System

There's a new blood glucose monitor hitting the market in Europe, and its producer, Big Pharma titan Roche, is striving to bring it to the U.S. and other areas as soon as possible. The cobas pulse system was designed to streamline blood draw and analysis processes for hospital professionals, and the point-of-care monitor is paired with a smartphone-shaped companion device that can run its own apps.

Features include a touchscreen and camera for additional diagnostic needs, an automated glucose test strip reader, and a hand-held-friendly hardened casing that makes thorough disinfection easy. Moreover, it is meant for use in patients of all ages and types, meaning intensive care patients as well as neonates stand to benefit from the cobas pulse.

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Speaking to the heavy burden currently placed on the industry's workforce, Roche Diagnostics CEO Thomas Schinecker said, “Frontline health workers are under increasing pressure to not only accurately diagnose patients, but also make appropriate decisions on all aspects of disease management and patient care."

Cloud tech provider Glytec was tapped to leverage its Glucommander insulin-dosing program to furnish the cobas pulse's software. Running the Glucommander dosing software directly on blood sugar readers themselves will do much to save time for clinicians as well as improve care quality. cobas pulse is also compatible with other downloadable decision-support apps from the likes of CardioSignal, SteadSense, and Smart4Diagnostics.