Microsoft And Partners Launch Vaccine Management Platform For COVID-19 Vaccine

Tech giant Microsoft has worked with partners Accenture, Avande, EY, and Mazik Global to launch a platform for COVID-19 vaccine management. Microsoft looks to assist public health agencies and health care providers in an efficient, equitable, and safe manner.

Microsoft has joined with these companies to produce a platform utilizing each company's expertise. Accenture offers its knowledge in consulting and implementation to Microsoft's cloud-based technology to produce a reliable platform. EY then provides management in manufacturing and distribution processes. The EY Vaccine Management Solution relies on Microsoft's technology including Microsoft Azure, Dynamics 365, Power BI, and Power Platform. These technologies assist in EY’s end-to-end solutions for patient-provider engagement, supply chain visibility, and real-time monitoring by the Internet of Things (IOT).  EY’s vaccine solution is a tool for stakeholders to understand population in geo-specific uptake.

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Mazik Global will provide its vaccine management solution, Vaccine Flow, which uses its understanding in the healthcare industry and technology solutions. Vaccine Flow relies on Power Apps and templates to offer scalable solutions for mass distribution. Mazik Global’s contributions will allow for monitoring of inventory levels and the necessary temperatures of the vials.

Providence St. Joseph Health has also leveraged its partnership with Microsoft to produce technology needed during the pandemic. Providence is working with Microsoft and Nuance to produce an ambience sensing, technology-based product that documents patient care in a convenient manner for physicians.

Microsoft believes that collaborations with agencies and partners is essential in delivering vaccines safely and efficiently. It believes that the use of new technologies is beneficial in order to record workflow changes and keep expenses low.

Microsoft's vaccine management system is focused on registration capabilities for patients and providers, phased scheduling, streamlined reporting, and management dashboarding with analytics and forecasting. The system will track and report vaccine progress using secure data exchange services such as Health Level Seven, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, and open APIs which meet industry standards. The system will also allow healthcare providers and pharmacies to monitor and report effectiveness of specific vaccine batches and health administrators to summarize achievements of vaccine deployment goals in large population groups.

There are currently two vaccines being reviewed by the FDA that have positive reports from phase three clinical trials. Microsoft consulting services has offered the Vaccination Registration and Administrative Solution to enable compliant administration of resident assessment, registration, and phased scheduling for vaccine distribution.