As digitization continues to take precedence over other concerns for companies of all sizes in the healthcare space, the resulting benefits of successful transformation afforded to health systems and their clinicians has earned the movement an overwhelming amount of attention as well as praise. The associated improvements in flexibility and personalization experienced by patients, though, are turning the tables for their support of digital health service implementation. A survey conducted by RedPoint Global found that approximately 80% of individuals now favor using digital channels like virtual appointments and online messaging for interfacing with healthcare providers, at least some of the time.
The ground floor of healthcare digitization is establishing updated IT frameworks that can comply with the acceleration of medical technology. Due to the multi-faceted, department-heavy structure of its typical organizations, this sector in particular must prioritize the consolidation of disparate or discordant systems into a streamlined, potent infrastructure. Sinking time and money into this endeavor now will, fittingly, lead to health systems saving copious amounts of time and money.
With a stronger IT infrastructure in place, emerging solutions such as AI will come into play to transform how health data is analyzed and leveraged to improve health outcomes through better operational efficiency as well as more decisive and personalized care. With the World Health Organization predicting demand for healthcare workers to reach 18.2 million in Europe by 2030, the technology could also play a crucial role in curtailing healthcare personnel burnout. By handling the monotonous administrative tasks that keep workers held up from their patient care duties, AI might redefine the fundamental activities of key on-site employees such as nurses.