GE Healthcare Taps into Homecare with Prenatal Home Ultrasound

Israel-based startup Pulsenmore, which has developed a line of advanced homecare ultrasound products, is receiving considerable support from GE Healthcare – to the tune of $50 million dollars. GE’s equity investment signals its desire to corner the homecare sector with top-tier precision health solutions, and backing Pulsenmore will do much to drive the imminent global embrace of more convenient ultrasound technologies.

In addition to actively advocating for FDA approval of Pulsenmore’s products, GE will leverage its marketing power for an ambitious commercial rollout that will kick off in Europe and a handful of other key territories. “With GE Healthcare’s market leadership position and reach, we are one step closer to achieving our vision of making home ultrasound universally accessible for remote and reliable care, ultimately improving maternal health across the globe,” said Dr. Elazar Sonnenschein, Pulsenmore’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer. It’s also implicit that the two companies will be collaborating to further develop and build out their ultrasound portfolio.

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Telehealth dominance in this space is clearly a prospect that Pulsenmore is punching up toward, given that its flagship handheld prenatal ultrasound solution is both self-operated and smartphone-connected. Healthcare providers can remotely analyze these self-scans for accelerated feedback. In fact, on the clinician’s side of things, the offering boasts a web application with a software API that fuses Pulsenmore’s online services with existing health records.