In a groundbreaking announcement, Santa Clara-based Exo has introduced its Iris handheld ultrasound, heralding a new era in adaptable point-of-care ultrasound imaging. The cutting-edge technology provides high-performance medical imaging in a compact, portable form, revolutionizing the conventional notion of cart-based ultrasounds.
Exo's cutting-edge silicon technology powers the Iris system, which has a size that is so small it can fit in caregivers' pockets. This innovation promises to empower a range of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, EMTs, and clinicians across various settings, from emergency and acute care to outpatient and home environments, with rapid and accurate responses.
One of Iris's standout features is its integration of real-time artificial intelligence (AI) technology, offering a user-friendly experience combined with sophisticated diagnostic capabilities. The patented SweepAI technology automatically captures crucial images, reducing reliance on operator skill, minimizing potential biases, and ensuring consistent and precise imaging.
Additionally, Iris introduces Bladder AI, a groundbreaking technology allowing caregivers to measure bladder volume within seconds, streamlining diagnostics and enhancing patient care. Exo also revealed plans for additional AI suites, including advanced cardiac and lung AI suites pending FDA 510(k) approval, promising real-time guidance for heart and lung assessments.
With an affordable price tag of $3,500 in the U.S., Exo's Iris democratizes access to high-quality ultrasound technology, removing financial barriers and expanding its potential impact in diverse healthcare settings.
Exo CEO and Co-Founder Sandeep Akkaraju emphasized the significance of Iris, stating, "Iris represents a new ultrasound era." The system is designed to be as intuitive as taking a photo with a smartphone, addressing long-standing complaints about outdated medical technology. Akkaraju emphasized that this innovation will not only save lives but also enhance care and reduce costs, marking the first in a series of transformative medical imaging advancements from Exo.
The Iris platform leverages Exo's proprietary pMUT-based technology, utilizing piezoelectric crystals and silicon's cost-effectiveness to power the system. This silicon architecture enables real-time AI integration and swift improvement in imaging quality.
Iris offers an impressive 150-degree ultra-wide field of view, facilitates comprehensive scans of major organs, and provides guidance for IIV lliand line placement The system seamlessly integrates with hospital IT systems for compliance and secure storage, while also offering the option to store tests on Exo's cloud for added accessibility, even in remote or internet-limited areas.
Exo's advisory board chair, Dr. Richard Popp, praised the Iris system for surpassing his expectations in imaging quality. Stanford University's emeritus medicine professor underscored the simplicity and user-centric design of the system. Dr. Arun Nagdev, senior director of clinical education at Exo, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing how Iris seamlessly integrates imaging, workflow, and real-time AI into a single, user-friendly platform.
This innovative technology represents a major stride towards enhancing patient care and medical diagnostics.