Blood Glucose Measurer POGO Hits US Market Following FDA Clearance

As the POGO Automatic Monitor from Intuity Medical hits shelves, diabetic individuals in the U.S. now have a powerful new option for assistance in measuring and managing their blood glucose levels. Priced from $68 on its official website and available over-the-counter from retailers such as CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens, POGO employs a pioneering 10-test cartridge technology and will impress users with its intuitive features.

While there's certainly no dearth of glucose monitoring devices on the market, POGO stands out for its FDA clearance as well as the convenience of its purchase—and use. It can produce a diabetes management test quickly, drawing a blood sample in mere seconds upon the press of a single button. The used strip and lancet are then automatically swapped out for a new set via the 10-test cartridge. Taking just around the minimum sample required for a blood sugar level reading, 250 nanoliters, POGO aims to reduce the amount and duration of discomfort associated with the process.

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Affordability is a major consideration in this market, and POGO's replaceable cartridge lists at $32 for a 5-pack (with larger package options available), meaning those taking one or two tests daily could make a single purchase to cover a month's worth of testing. The POGO also has an app sync feature which pairs the device with the user's Apple or Android smartphone for data measurement and analysis.