BlackBerry Ecosystem Brings In MedCrypt To Improve Proactive Security

A few lines of code is all it takes for MedCrypt to build security features into pacemakers, ultrasound imaging devices, surgical robots, or other life-critical medical devices. The San Diego-based company recently announced that it has joined the BlackBerry QNX Partner network, which includes other tech companies from around the globe who develop tools and embed software products that complement the BlackBerry QNX group.

MedCrypt’s CEO Mike Kijewski noted that "the healthcare industry has seen nearly twice as many breaches between February and May this year in comparison to last year's count, indicating a growing need for medical tech to be secured at the source, before it goes to market.” He hopes that joining the BlackBerry QNX Partner ecosystem will help MedCrypt quickly introduce novel medical technologies with higher levels of built-in security to a hungry market.

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MedCrypt’s unusual roots stem from an episode of Homeland Kijewski saw in 2012. In it, terrorists hacked a pacemaker, which prompted Kijewski to start researching the vulnerabilities of medical devices. Insulin pumps, pacemakers, and diagnostic systems are just some of the devices that are potentially vulnerable to hacking and security breaches, which can lead to life-threatening situations.

The company provides solutions that can be rolled out modularly or all-inclusive, and cross-complies with BlackBerry QNX solutions. Security measures for life-critical medical devices include Cryptography, in which data can be encrypted and decrypted; behavior monitoring, which can detect abnormalities, capture device metadata, and send alerts; and vulnerability monitoring, where software is monitored for vulnerabilities and software bill of materials (SBOM) can be generated in real-time.

FDA regulations now require medical device developers to utilize signature verification, data encryption, and behavior monitoring in their products. MedCrypt and BlackBerry QNX ensure that devices contain an effective Cybersecurity Bill of Materials (CBOM) that outlines all the soft- and hardware within the device. MedCrypt sets up their products for success, enabling engineers to roll out the proper security features as quickly as possible.

The partnership comes a few short months after MedCrypt hired Seth Carmody as its new Vice President of Regulatory Strategy. Carmody has over 8 years of experience in medical device regulation strategy, having come to MedCrypt from the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health.