Unite Us
Software and Data
New York, NY

Overall Rank: 33
Category: Software & Data
Category Rank: 9


Unite Us is the nation’s premier technology provider for advancing social care outcomes. Their advanced product suite streamlines processes and fosters collaboration across government, healthcare, health plans, and community-based organizations to address social drivers of health by facilitating social care services, intervention programs, and Medicaid reimbursements. The first of its kind, their closed-loop referral platform now integrates more than 1M services and securely hosts the nation’s largest network of non-profits committed to improving whole-person health one community at a time.

Key Products

  • Platform – The Unite Us Platform meets organizations where they are, making it easier than ever to connect people to the care they need—when and where they need it. Whether a client needs food support, housing assistance, employment services, or more, trusted services are only a few clicks away.

  • Insights – Beyond understanding the current needs of populations, Unite Us Insights empowers organizations to assess what resources and support may be needed across certain demographic or geographic areas.

  • Payments – With Unite Us Payments, funders can reimburse community based organizations (CBOs) at scale for the important services they provide, while measuring the success of social care funding initiatives. They automate complex coding and rate information so CBOs and funders can efficiently process invoices and social care claims, reducing the risks of costly denials and rejections.

  • Care Coordination – Connecting individuals to services—while incredibly important—isn’t always easy. Unite Us partners often juggle many other responsibilities, depend on clients to come to their offices to begin the referral process, and face potential challenges in knowing where to refer. That’s why they have a dedicated Care Coordination team to empower easy and positive social care connections for the people they serve.

Corporate Responsibility

Unite Us is the nation’s premier technology provider for advancing social care outcomes. Their robust product suite streamlines processes and fosters collaboration across healthcare, health plans, government agencies, and community organizations to address social drivers of health (SDoH) by facilitating social care services, intervention programs, and Medicaid reimbursements. The first of its kind, our closed-loop referral platform now integrates more than 1M services and securely hosts the nation’s largest network of non-profits committed to improving whole-person health one community at a time. At Unite Us, we believe communities are best equipped to serve their residents and make it our mission to empower them with the tools necessary to effectively deliver and scale their services to drive tangible difference in the community.